Dedicated to Professor Gleb Abakumov on the occasion of his 75th birthdaySince the discovery of ferrocene 60 years ago, [1] metallocenes have represented one of the most intriguing classes of organometallics. Numerous theoretical and experimental investigations of electronic structures of these prototypical systems form a basis for understanding the nature and fundamental properties of the metal-ligand delocalized chemical bonds. In contrast, intense chemical interest has been focused on these compounds during the last decade because of their relevance to organic synthesis, catalysis, bioorganometallic chemistry, and materials science. [2] Redox parameters appear to play a key role in tuning the chemical reactivity of cyclopentadienyl metal complexes and properties of the metallocene-based materials. [3] Precise information on ionization energies (IEs) of these sandwich compounds is, therefore, of fundamental importance in predicting their chemical behavior.High-resolution IEs can be obtained with zero kinetic energy (ZEKE) and mass-analyzed threshold ionization (MATI) techniques [4] based on the laser excitation of jetcooled molecules to high Rydberg levels (ZEKE states) and subsequent ionization by an electric pulse. Recently, fascinating insight into the electronic structures of transition-metal bis(arene) derivatives has been provided by ZEKE and MATI studies. [5] However, no successful attempts to measure the ZEKE or MATI spectra of metallocenes have been reported so far. Multiphoton excitation of [Cp 2 Fe] and [Cp 2 Ni] (Cp = h 5 -cyclopentadienyl) gave no MATI signals, probably because of the instability of the corresponding ZEKE states. [5b] Herein we report the first example of a metallocene MATI spectrum. In this work, we studied cobaltocene which, like ferrocene, represents one of the key sandwich compounds. This complex attracts the attention of theoretical chemists [6] because of its degenerate ground electronic state, 2 E 1 '' in the D 5h point group (the [Cp 2 Co] 19electron configuration is …[3d(e 2 ')] 2 [3d(a 1 ')] 2 [3d(e 1 '')] 1 ). The neutral molecule should, therefore, appropriately lower its symmetry as a result of the Jahn-Teller (JT) effect. This makes it especially interesting to obtain a high-resolution photoionization spectrum of cobaltocene. Moreover, ionization of the [Cp 2 Co] molecule yields the 18-electron cation which is an isoelectronic analogue of the highly symmetric (D 5h ) ferrocene. The surprisingly well-resolved MATI spectrum of [Cp 2 Co] measured in this work demonstrates that the powerful MATI and ZEKE techniques can be efficiently used to investigate fine electronic effects in metallocene molecules.Indeed, when conditions for the one-photon excitation of the cobaltocene ZEKE states in a supersonic jet were found in our experiments, the MATI spectrum having a rich vibronic structure was recorded (Figure 1). In contrast to the classical UV photoelectron spectrum [7] (PES) showing a single broad 3d(e 1 '') ionization band with the full width at half-maximum (FWHM) of...