-Once reached the threshold for operation, Raman fiber lasers with high output couplers convert the pump signal into stokes signals very efficiently. However, high threshold implies lower overall efficiency and hence the ratio slope efficiency-to-threshold power (i.e., the figure of merit) is low. By maintaining the slope efficiency value and decreasing threshold, the figure of merit (overall efficiency) increases. In this work, we have increased this parameter from 57 (for a typical Raman configuration) to 105 (investigated configuration). This represents an 84% improvement. A threshold of 2.9 watts decreased to 1.3 watts by inserting 1.27 m of ytterbium doped fiber into a 350-m Raman cavity. Another way for obtaining similar results was explored by enlarging the cavity more than double (to 750 m) but power delivery decreased by 20% due to additional fiber loss. The system studied is shorter and more efficient than typical configurations and might be considered given its simplicity. Advantages, disadvantages and other ways for obtaining similar results are discussed.