Dens are a focal point in the life history and ecology of gray wolves (Canis lupus), and their location can influence access to key resources, productivity, survivorship, and vulnerability to hunting, trapping, and control efforts. We analyzed the selection of den sites and the phenology of their use inside the Yukon-Charley River National Preserve from 1993 to 2017 to enhance our understanding of this resource. At the landscape scale, we found that wolves in east-central Alaska selected den sites that were lower in elevation, snow free earlier in the spring, exposed to greater solar radiation, and closer to water. Den sites were also associated with areas that had burned less recently and had lower terrain ruggedness at the 1 km scale. These results supported our hypothesis that wolves would den relatively close to essential resources (water and prey) and in areas that are drier (melt earlier) in the spring. At the home range scale, wolves also selected den sites at lower elevations and showed a strong selection for the center of their home range. Furthermore, the average distance between active den sites was 37.3 km, which is slightly greater than the average radius (32.5 km) of a home range of a pack. Our results support our hypothesis that dynamic social factors modulate the selection of environmental factors for den site location. Wolves den away from other packs to reduce competition and exposure to intraspecific conflict. High-quality denning habitat does not currently appear to be a limiting factor for this population. Females, on average, entered their dens on 10 May, stayed inside the den for eight days, and remained less than 1 km from the den for an additional six days after emerging. We found that wolves denning at higher elevations entered their dens later than those at lower elevations, which also supported one of our hypotheses. Lastly, we documented limited evidence of earlier denning over time. Long-term monitoring projects, such as ours, are critical in identifying these types of trends.RÉSUMÉ. Les tanières sont un point central du cycle biologique et de l'écologie du loup gris (Canis lupus). Leur emplacement peut influencer l'accès aux ressources principales, la productivité, la survie et la vulnérabilité à la chasse, au piégeage et aux mesures de contrôle. Afin de mieux comprendre cette ressource, nous avons analysé la sélection des emplacements de tanières et la phénologie de leur utilisation dans la réserve nationale Yukon-Charley Rivers pour les années allant de 1993 à 2017. À l'échelle du paysage, nous avons trouvé que les loups du centre-est de l'Alaska choisissaient des emplacements de tanières en moins grande altitude, plus près de l'eau, où la neige fondait plus vite au printemps et où le rayonnement solaire était plus grand. Par ailleurs, les emplacements des tanières étaient caractérisés par des secteurs brûlés moins récemment et un relief accidenté plus bas à l'échelle de 1 km. Ces résultats ont permis d'appuyer notre hypothèse selon laquelle les loups établiraient leur tanière rel...