When a previously common predator disappears owing to local extinction, the strong source of natural selection on prey to visually recognize that predator becomes relaxed. At present, we do not know the extent to which recognition of a specific predator is generalized to similar looking predators or how a specific predator-recognition cue, such as coat pattern, degrades under prolonged relaxed selection. Using predator models, we show that deer exhibit a more rapid and stronger antipredator response to their current predator, the puma, than to a leopard displaying primitive rosettes similar to a locally extinct predator, an early jaguar. Presentation of a novel tiger with a striped coat engendered an intermediate speed of predator recognition and strength of antipredator behaviour. Responses to the leopard model slightly exceeded responses to a non-threatening deer model, suggesting that thousands of years of relaxed selection have led to the loss of recognition of the spotted coat as a jaguar-recognition cue, and that the spotted coat has regained its ability to camouflage the felid form. Our results shed light on the evolutionary arms race between adoption of camouflage to facilitate hunting and the ability of prey to quickly recognize predators by their formerly camouflaging patterns.