Botulinum neurotoxins (BoNTs) are synthesized by Clostridium botulinum and exist as seven immunologically distinct serotypes designated A through G. For most serotypes, several subtypes have now been described based on nominal differences in the amino acid sequences. BoNT/A1 is the most well-characterized subtype of the BoNT/A serotype, and many of its properties, including its potency, its prevalence as a food poison, and its utility as a pharmaceutical, have been thoroughly studied. In contrast, much remains unknown of the other BoNT/A subtypes. In this study, BoNT/A subtype 1 (BoNT/A1) to BoNT/A5 were characterized utilizing a mouse bioassay, an in vitro cleavage assay, and several neuronal cell-based assays. The data indicate that BoNT/A1 to -5 have distinct in vitro and in vivo toxicological properties and that, unlike those for BoNT/A1, the neuronal and mouse results for BoNT/A2 to -5 do not correlate with their enzymatic activity. These results indicate that BoNT/A1 to -5 have distinct characteristics, which are of importance for a greater understanding of botulism and for pharmaceutical applications.