Nanobiotechnology in contemporary society is novel and has enhanced utility for size, distribution and morphology determination of various biomolecules. To prepare nano particles the used metals are gold, silver, mercury and platinum for significant applications in electronics, magnetics, optoelectronics and information storage. For our study we selected the sliver, since it is widely been used from ancient time for the treatment of bacteria, microbes, infections and serious burns as medicine or cosmetics and lotions in an emergence of new therapeutic agents. Plants are considered as environment friendly and efficient to produce in large-scale synthesis. So we selected the Trichodesma indicum for our study with combination of silver nitrate for silver ingredient in synthesis of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) and their anti venom activity was studied. The properties of AgNPs of T. indicum were submitted to another journal had spherical particles of sizes 21 -25 nm with active functional moieties of amino, carboxy, alcoholic and aromatics which contained the zeta potential of 30.9V. These properties of stem extract particles found to inhibit enzymes of cobra venom at 10 and 20 µg/ml. However the fluorescent microscopy analysis of these two concentrations has revealed that the stem extract when compared to leaf extract formation of some cell clumps were even not found. Therefore AgNPs at 10µg/ml having various shapes and sizes inhibit the venom activities of cobra in blood systems. Thus in our work the activity studies of T. indicum against the cobra venom has confirmed inhibitory effects in in vitro models. This might be due to secondary metabolites that are present in T. indicum plant, which are active and might explain the bioactivity of the extract. However more of additional in vivo inhibitory studies are required in identifying the metabolites for the requirement of human beings.