Saxitoxin (STX) and its analogues cause the paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) syndrome, which afflicts human health and impacts coastal shellfish economies worldwide. PSP toxins are unique alkaloids, being produced by both prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Here we describe a candidate PSP toxin biosynthesis gene cluster (sxt) from Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii T3. The saxitoxin biosynthetic pathway is encoded by more than 35 kb, and comparative sequence analysis assigns 30 catalytic functions to 26 proteins. STX biosynthesis is initiated with arginine, S-adenosylmethionine, and acetate by a new type of polyketide synthase, which can putatively perform a methylation of acetate, and a Claisen condensation reaction between propionate and arginine. Further steps involve enzymes catalyzing three heterocyclizations and various tailoring reactions that result in the numerous isoforms of saxitoxin. In the absence of a gene transfer system in these microorganisms, we have revised the description of the known STX biosynthetic pathway, with in silico functional inferences based on sxt open reading frames combined with liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry analysis of the biosynthetic intermediates. Our results indicate the evolutionary origin for the production of PSP toxins in an ancestral cyanobacterium with genetic contributions from diverse phylogenetic lineages of bacteria and provide a quantum addition to the catalytic collective available for future combinatorial biosyntheses. The distribution of these genes also supports the idea of the involvement of this gene cluster in STX production in various cyanobacteria.Paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) toxins are among the world's most potent and pervasive toxins and are considered a serious toxicological health risk that may affect humans, animals, and ecosystems worldwide (18,36). These toxins block voltage-gated sodium and calcium channels and prolong the gating of potassium channels (21, 53, 59), preventing the transduction of neuronal signals. It has been estimated that more than 2,000 human cases of PSP occur globally every year at a mortality rate of 15% (16). Moreover, coastal blooms of productive microorganisms result in millions of dollars of economic damage due to PSP toxin contamination of seafood and the continuous requirement for costly biotoxin monitoring programs. Early warning systems to anticipate the occurrence of paralytic shellfish toxin (PST)-producing algal blooms, such as PCR and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay-based screening, are as yet unavailable due to the lack of data on the genetic basis of PST production.Saxitoxin (STX) is a tricyclic perhydropurine alkaloid that can be substituted at various positions, leading to more than 30 naturally occurring STX analogues (4,5,28,32,33,63). Although STX biosynthesis seems complex and unique, organisms from two kingdoms, including certain species of marine dinoflagellates and freshwater cyanobacteria, are capable of producing these toxins, apparently by the same biosynthetic route (47). In spit...