Signal transduction in Escherichia coli involves the interaction of transmembrane receptor proteins such as the aspartate receptor, Tar, and the products of four chemotaxis genes, cheA, cheY, cheW, and cheZ. It was previously shown that the cheA gene product is an autophosphorylating protein kinase that transfers phosphate to CheY, whereas the cheZ gene product acts as a specific CheY phosphatase. Here we report that the system can be reconstituted in vitro and receptor function can be coupled to CheY phosphorylation. Coupling requires the presence of the CheW protein, the appropriate form of the receptor, and the CheA and CheY proteins. Under these conditions the accumulation of CheYphosphate is enhanced %300-fold. This rate enhancement is seen in reactions using wild-type and "tumble" mutant receptors but not "smooth" mutant receptors. The increased accumulation of phosphoprotein was inhibited by micromolar concentrations of aspartate, using wild-type, but not tumble, receptors. These results provide evidence that the signal transduction pathway in bacterial chemotaxis involves receptor-mediated alteration of the levels of phosphorylated proteins. They suggest that CheW acts as the coupling factor between receptor and phosphorylation. The results also support the suggestion that CheY-phosphate is the tumble signal.Bacteria such as Escherichia coli or Salmonella typhimurium sense their environment through a series of transmembrane receptor proteins. Each of these binds a specific subset of ligands that may act as attractant or repellent. Changes in ligand concentration initiate two responses (for reviews of bacterial chemotaxis, see refs. 1 and 2). First, a rapid excitation response occurs that modulates the frequency of changes in bacterial flagellar rotation, and second, an adaptation response is initiated that presumably modifies the sensitivity of the receptor. The excitation response can be manifested in two ways. Increase -in concentration of an attractant ligand may decrease flagellar-rotation-reversal frequency, leading to "smooth" swimming of the cell. Alternatively, an increase in repellent concentration can result in a transient increase in flagellar reversal, leading to "tumbly" swimming behavior. In addition to the receptor, the excitation response requires the presence of the products of four chemotaxis genes, cheA, cheY, cheZ, and cheW (3-6). We have shown that the CheA protein is an autophosphorylating protein kinase that in the presence of ATP phosphorylates histidine residue 48 (7-10). Once CheA is phosphorylated, it is able to very rapidly transfer phosphate to the che Y gene product. CheY-phosphate or a derivative of CheY is thought to interact with proteins at the base of the flagellar motor to increase the frequency of reversal of rotation (11-13). The cheZ gene product specifically dephosphorylates CheY (7). Thus, these results suggest a plausible scheme for how the che gene products might generate a "tumble" regulator. However, little is known about how the receptor interacts wit...