We haw lsolat*:d ~t human =anemic clone hllF~ ~-,14 cont,ininll axons S, 6, 7 and 1~ or the branched.chain =.k=toa¹id deitydrolena=c E2 tran~a©)'htse l;ene. Sequencinj ofcxon It and its surroandinlt introl~ic ~equcnc©s reveals complct© identity with th~ previously reported truncated E2 eDNA thE2. I) sequence between nu~:l¹otid=s g],tl ttnd 1521, We have identified ¹oflNnsus splice= cite junctions ntankinj exon I~ and trite a cryptic 3" splice site 370 ba~¹s up~ireaTn from the start of exon 14 in the sane, In addition, two polyadenyl~tign sililnals Iocatedl in the hE2. I eDNA are also present in the intronic sequence downslremn of'exert 8 which promote =©rmiaation or transeriplion. The data indicate that shortel'~:d human liver E! transcripts underlie alternative =plicinlt to ~¹idd rnRNA orthe hE2.1 type, Genomic clone; eDNA" E2 gear; Alternative splieinil
1, INTRODUCTIONThe branched chain a-kate acid dehydrogenasÂą complex (abbreviated branched chain complex) catalyzes the rate-limiting step in the oxidative decarboxylation of the branched-chain c~-keto acids derived from leucine, isoleucinÂą and valine, It is a mitochondrial multienzyme complex that is both structurally and mechanistically analogous to the pyruvatÂą and ~-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complexes [1]. The branched-chain corn plex consists of three catalytic components: a branched-chain c~-keto acid decarboxylase or El, a dihydrolipoyl transacylase or E2 and a dihydrolipoyl dehydrogenase or E3 [2,3]. The E3 component is common to all three a-kate acid dehydrogenase complexes., The branched-chain complex also has two regulatory enzymes, a specific kinase and a specific phosphatase [4][5][6][7][8]. The E2 subunit forms a 24-mar cubic core to which El, E3, the kinase and the phosphatase are attached through non-covalent interactions. Studies on the human and bovine E2 subunits have revealed that the E2 subunit contains three distinct domains: a lipoyl-bearing domain, an E3-binding domain and an inner-core domain [9,10], Similar E2 domain structures are also found in other c~-keto acid dehydrogenase complexes from both eukaryotic and prokaryotic organisms [11,12] We and others [10,I3] have previously isolated a human liver E2 cDNA clone, This clone (hE2-t) is 1577 bp and contains a poly(A)+ tail preceded by 2 polyadenylation signals [10], The amino acid sequence predicted by its nucleotide sequence codes for the lipoyl-bearing and E3 binding domains of the E2 polypeptide; however, it lacks the inner.core domain of the E2 polypeptide as described later by the isolation of the full-length hum'." 72 eDNA [14], During the course of cloning the hun,..a E2 dane, we isolated a genomic clone (huE2-14) that contains intronic sequences flankmg the eighth exon of the E2 gene which are identical to the nucleotidÂą sequences of hE2-1 bases 938'1521, Within this generate region is exert 8 consisting of 78 bp coding for Asp-253 to Lys-278 (Lau and Chuang, unpublished results). In addition, two polyadenylation signals are present downstream of exon 8. We propose that prem...