Glycogen synthase I was purified from human polymorphonuclear leukocytes by a procedure involving affinity chromatography of the glycogen-enzyme complex, digestion of endogenous glycogen by amylase, starch chromatography and gel filtration. The purified enzyme had a specific activity of 7 -11 U/mg protein, or 4-5 U when expressed per mg of residual glycogen. Further purification to 21 U/mg protein could be achieved. The enzyme was inactive in the absence of added glycogen. A subunit molecular weight of 85 000 was determined by polyacrylamide electrophoresis in sodium dodecylsulfate. The molecular weight of the native enzyme was estimated to be 390000 (13.2 S) by sucrose gradient centrifugation and 410000 by gel filtration indicating that the native enzyme is a tetramer. The gel filtration behavior was not affected by enzyme concentration, temperature, or the presence of ligands. The energy of activation was estimated to 13 500 cal/mol (56.5 kJ/mol), corresponding to a Qlo of 2.2. In the presence of glucose 6-phosphate or Na2S04, the enzyme showed a broad pH optimum between pH 6.8-9.2. In the absence of these ligands and in particularly in the presence of Mg', the enzyme is sensitive to small changes of pH in the interval pH 7.4-8.4.During purification, synthase I requires protection by 0.6 mM dithiothreitol, while high concentrations of mercaptoethanol or dithiothreitol inactivates the enzyme, particularly during freezing, During 24-h incubations, synthase I undergoes a spontaneous, temperature-dependent inactivation which is not due to proteolysis, but presumably is caused by irreversible conformational changes. These can be prevented by high concentrations of glucose 6-phosphate, Na2S04, inorganic phosphate, UDP and glycogen. Mgz+ and traces of ethanol inactivates the enzyme. The lyophilized enzyme is stable for years.Glycogen synthase, in most vertebrate tissues, exists in a phosphorylated, physiologically inactive D form [1,2], and a non-phosphorylated I form, which, when present, is always active [2,3]. These enzyme forms are interconvertible by phosphorylation-dephosphorylation reactions, which are subject to hormonal control [1,3]. The existence of both forms of synthase, as well as the enzymes responsible for the interconversion reactions, have been demonstrated in human polymorphonuclear leukocytes in our laboratory [4-91. Recently a third enzyme form, synthase R, with rheostatic properties has been kinetically characterized [ 101.Synthase D has recently been found to follow a rapid-equilibrium random bi-bi mechanism [l 13. A similar exploration of the bisubstrate and modifier kinetics of synthase I has been hampered by the fact that the I enzyme is readily inactivated [12-141 and is also more susceptible to proteolytic degradation Enzyme. Glycogen synthase (EC the D enzyme [15]. In addition, glycogen, besides being a substrate, also activates synthase I in a timedependent and concentration-dependent manner, as will be described in a following communication [16].The present paper describe...