A new moderately halophilic Micrococcus sp. 4, isolated from salt‐pan water from India, produced extracellular amylase when cultivated aerobically in medium containing wheat bran, peptone, beef extract and sodium chloride. Other salts, such as sodium nitrate, potassium nitrate and sodium sulphate, were also found to be suitable for growth and enzyme production. Maximum amylase activity (1.2 IU ml‐1) was secreted in the presence of 1 mol 1‐1 sodium chloride. The enzyme requires the presence of either sodium chloride, potassium chloride, sodium nitrate, sodium citrate or sodium acetate for its activity. Maximum activity was found in the presence of 1 mol 1‐1 sodium chloride. The pH and temperature optima for enzyme activity were 7.5 and 50°C, respectively.