Diseases of the cornea are extremely common and cause severe visual impairment worldwide. To explore the basic molecular mechanisms involved in corneal health and disease, the present study characterizes the proteome of the normal human cornea. All proteins were extracted from the central 7-mm region of 12 normal human donor corneas containing all layers: epithelium, Bowman's layer, stroma, Descemet's membrane, and endothelium. Proteins were fractionated and identified using two different procedures: (i) two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and protein identification by MALDI-MS and (ii) strong cation exchange or one-dimensional SDS gel electrophoresis followed by LC-MS/MS. All together, 141 distinct proteins were identified of which 99 had not previously been identified in any mammalian corneas by direct protein identification methods. The characterized proteins are involved in many processes including antiangiogenesis, antimicrobial defense, protection from and transport of heme and iron, tissue protection against UV radiation and oxidative stress, cell metabolism, and maintenance of intracellular and extracellular structures and stability. This proteome study of the healthy human cornea provides a basis for further analysis of corneal diseases and the design of bioengineered corneas. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 4:1406 -1408, 2005.The human cornea is a transparent, avascular, and highly specialized connective tissue that provides ϳ70% of the total refraction in the optical system of the eye. Other essential properties of the cornea include protection against noxious agents, biomechanical stability, and structural resiliency as well as the ability to filter out damaging UV light (1), thereby protecting both the crystalline lens and retina against injury. The human cornea (thickness, ϳ530 m) is a multilayered tissue composed of five main layers: the epithelium (ϳ50 m), Bowman's layer (ϳ10 m), the stroma (ϳ450 m), Descemet's membrane (ϳ5-15 m), and the endothelium (ϳ5 m). In the healthy eye, these layers interact in a complex manner to strictly maintain the properties of the cornea. Increased biochemical knowledge of normal and diseased corneas is essential for the understanding of corneal homeostasis and pathophysiology.