The EphA3 receptor tyrosine kinase preferentially binds ephrin-A5, a member of the corresponding subfamily of membrane-associated ligands. Their interaction regulates critical cell communication functions in normal development and may play a role in neoplasia. Here we describe a random mutagenesis approach, which we employed to study the molecular determinants of the EphA3/ephrin-A5 recognition. Selection and functional characterization of EphA3 point mutants with impaired ephrin-A5 binding from a yeast expression library defined three EphA3 surface areas that are essential for the EphA3/ephrin-A5 interaction. Two of these map to regions identified previously in the crystal structure of the homologous EphB2-ephrin-B2 complex as potential ligand/receptor interfaces. In addition, we identify a third EphA3/ephrin-A5 interface that falls outside the structurally characterized interaction domains. Functional analysis of EphA3 mutants reveals that all three Eph/ephrin contact areas are essential for the assembly of signaling-competent, oligomeric receptor-ligand complexes.Eph receptor tyrosine kinases (Ephs) 1 are activated through interaction with cell surface-bound ephrin proteins. Binding preferences and structural features classify eight type A Ephs interacting with six type A ephrins that attach to the membrane via glycophosphatidylinositol, as well as six type B Ephs interacting with corresponding type B transmembrane ephrins, which contain conserved cytoplasmic domains (1). Eph/ephrin contacts on opposing cells direct cell movements underlying developmental patterning events (2, 3) but may also regulate tumor cell positioning during cancer metastasis and invasion (4). In many cases Eph signaling results in cytoskeletal collapse, down-regulation of cell-cell adhesion proteins, and cell rounding (2, 5). Concurrent protease-mediated cleavage of the Eph/ephrin linkages (6) leads to cell-cell detachment and repulsion. Interestingly, Eph/ephrin interactions can also promote cell adhesion, a dichotomy of function that has been widely recognized (2,7,8).Ephs have a highly conserved domain structure throughout the animal kingdom (9). The extracellular domain (ECD) consists of a unique N-terminal globular structure, necessary and sufficient for ephrin binding (10, 11), followed by a cysteinerich linker, an EGF-like motif, and two type II fibronectin domains. For human EphA3 (12), these regions span amino acid sequence positions 29 -203, 204 -260, 271-324, 325-435, and 435-531, respectively. The minimal N-terminal globular domain has a  jellyroll-like architecture (13), whereas structures of the cysteine-rich linker and adjoining EGF motif have not been solved to date.Clearly, all Eph/ephrin signaling is initiated by a 1:1 interaction between the globular Eph domain and a conserved Ephbinding domain of the ephrins (14). Furthermore, functional studies have indicated that biological responses rely on oligomerized ephrins to assemble active Eph receptor clusters capable of triggering downstream signaling cascades (15, 16)....