ABSTRAKPenelitian ini dilaksanakan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian gel Aloe vera secara oral terhadap performansi reproduksi tikus betina. Sebanyak 15 ekor tikus betina berumur 2 bulan mendapat perlakuan pemberian gel Aloe vera secara oral: P0 (kontrol); P1 (1 mg/g BB); P2 (2 mg/g BB); P3 (3 mg/g BB); dan P4 (4 mg/g BB). Gel diberikan setiap hari selama 4 minggu. Berat badan ditimbang pada hari terakhir perlakuan. Kemudian tikus dikawinkan dengan rasio 1 jantan dengan 1 betina. Tikus yang sudah kawin kemudian dieutanasi pada hari ke-10 setelah kopulasi untuk diambil uterus dan ovariumnya untuk menentukan jumlah fetus, CL, serta berat ovarium. Perlakuan berpengaruh terhadap rata-rata berat badan secara signifikan (P<0,05). Perlakuan P0 (4,1 g/ekor/hari) berbeda dengan perlakuan P1 (2,69 g/ekor/hari), P2 (2,87 g/ekor/hari) dan P4 (2,68 g/ekor/hari) namun P0 tidak berbeda dengan P3 (3,39 g/ekor/hari). Tidak ada pengaruh pelakuan terhadap berat ovarium, jumlah corpus luteum (CL), jumlah fetus, dan rasio CL banding fetus.Kata kunci: Aloe vera, tikus, performansi reproduksi
ABSTRACTThe research was conducted to find out the effect of Aloe vera gel administrated orally on reproductive performance of female rats. Fifteen two months old female rats were alloted to five treatments of per oral Aloe vera gel administration: P0 (control), P1(1 mg /g body weight), P2 (2 mg/g body weight, P3 (3 mg/g body weight), and P4 ( 4 mg/g body weight). The gel were administrated every day for four weeks. The body weight were measured on the same day as last treatment. The animal then mated to proven male on 1:1 rasio. Positively mated animals were sacrificed on D-10 after mating to collect uterus and ovary so the number of fetus, corpus luteum, and ovary weight can be determined. The treatments significantly decreased (P<0.05) the average body weight gain. The P0 (4.1 g/head/day) was different to P1 (2.69 g/head/day), P2 (2.87 g/head/day, and P4 (2.68 g/head/day), but was not different to P3 (3.39 g/head/day). The ovarium weight were not different (P>0.05) among the treatments, so did the number of corpus luteum (CL), the number of fetuses and the CL: fetus rasio.