The early observation of extra copper in preparations of cytochrome-c oxidase has recently lead to a renewed interest in its stoichiometry and possible redox function. In various, pure preparations (heme A contents close to the theoretical value of 9.79 nmoVmg protein for the 13-subunit bovine enzyme) protein-related metal stoichiometries of 3 Cu, 2 Fe, 1 Zn, 1 Mg/monomer with M, 204266 were determined.Despite the presence of five potential redox metal ions, reductive and reoxidative titrations indicate the presence of only four one-electron-accepting/donating species in the ligand-free enzyme.Participation of two copper ions in a binuclear copper site acting as a one-electron acceptor may explain both the observed copper stoichiometry and the redox behaviour. The homology of the Cterminal sequence of subunit I1 with one of the copper-binding sites in nitrous-oxide reductases provides possible ligands for complexing two copper ions in a binuclear center.Cytochrome-c oxidase is a multisubunit protein localized in the inner mitochondria1 membrane of eucaryotes and the plasma membrane of many aerobic bacteria. The solubilized enzyme transfers electrons from cytochrome-c (Cyt-c) to molecular oxygen, which is thereby reduced to form water. According to the reaction equation 4Cyt-c2+ + 8H+ + 0, = 4Cyt c3+ + 4H: + 2H20 the free energy of the in-vivo-catalyzed reaction is conserved as an electrochemical proton potential by the twofold process of water formation and vectorial pumping across the membrane (H:), depleting protons (H,+) from the inner compartment. Ever since the fist description of the enzyme, experiments have been undertaken aiming at an understanding of the reaction mechanism of this important enzyme. However, nobody has yet achieved a preparation of this complex membrane protein which fulfills all criteria of purity, stoichiometry, activity and monodispersity. In addition to the doubt which this situation imposes on investigation of its reaction mechanism, this may be the reason why analysis of its threedimensional structure, either by two-dimensional or threedimensional crystallization, has so far remained inconsistent or unsuccessful.Correspondence to G. Buse, Institut fir Biochemie, RheinischWestfdische Technische Hochschule Aachen, Klinikum Pauwelsstrasse 30, W-5100 Aachen, Germany Fax: +49 241 80 88851. Abbreviations. ICP-AES, inductively coupled plasma atomicemission spectroscopy ; Pth, phenylthiohydantoin; EXAFS, extended X-ray absorption fine structure; T,max, maximal turnover number.