Introduction.Th e aluminum industry belongs to the industry with a high status of occupational pathology. The study of metabolic bases and hygienic aspects of fl uorosis is a priority section of modern occupational health. Organ failure occurs in a separate group of workers, despite the equivalent conditions of production and may be due to biochemical polymorphism.The aimof the study was to explore the associative relationship of molecular genetic, biochemical markers with the nature of chronic fl uoride intoxication in workers of the aluminum industry.Materials and methods. Th e complex of clinical and genetic parameters of workers of Novokuznetsk aluminum plant with the determination of the content of harmful impurities in the air of the working areas was evaluated. Statistical analysis was carried out using IBM SPSS Statistics 22.Results. Over 25 years of observation, the maximum risk of intoxication was observed in the workplaces of electrolyzers, anodes against the background of metabolic disorders. Th e associative relationship of CYP, GST, SOD genes with the nature of fl uoride intoxication was determined.Conclusions.Th e development of fl uorosis is predetermined by the hereditary component. Markers associated with the dynamics of metabolic maladaptation allow to predict the course of the disease.