Cell populations enriched for erythroid precursor cells were fractionated from 13-day fetal-mouse livers by a method of immune hemolysis. These preparations of precursors, contaminated by less than 7% hemoglobinized erythroblasts, synthesize globin at a rate less than 6% that of the unfractionated liver erythroid cell population. RNA was isolated from these precursor cells and assayed for globin mRNA activity in a cell-free system from Krebs ascites tumor. The 6-16S RNA fraction from precursor cells has less than 5% of the globin mRNA activity of RNA isolated from unfractionated populations. Precursor cells incubated with erythropoietin show an increment in the rate of synthesis of globin only after 5-10 hr of incubation. After 10 hr of culture with this hormone, precursor cells show a 6-to 10-fold increase in globin mRNA activity. These results suggest that the precursor cells of hepatic erythropoiesis, responsive to erythropoietin, do not contain globin mRNA in a biologically active form. Erythropoietin-induced differentiation of these cells to erythroblasts is associated with an increase in globin mRNA.Fetal-mouse liver erythropoiesis provides a model for study of mammalian cell differentiation (1). The erythroid cell population obtained from 13-day fetal livers contains cells at all stages of differentiation, from the immature, erythropoietinresponsive precursor to the fully hemoglobinized erythrocyte. Erythroid precursor cells can be concentrated from the livers of fetal mice of 12-and 13-days gestation (2). Incubation of these precursor cells with erythropoietin stimulates both proliferation and differentiation to cells that actively synthesize hemoglobin. The questions posed in the present study are: (i) Does the precursor cell population contain biologically active mRNA for globin and synthesize globin, and (ii) Does erythropoietin-induced stimulation of erythroid cell differentiation involve an increase in the amount of biologically active globin mRNA? The evidence indicates that precursor cell populations (contaminated with 2-7% hemoglobinized erythroblasts) contain less than 5% of the globin mRNA activity recovered from an unfractionated erythroid cell population from fetal liver, and that they synthesize globin at a rate less than 5% that of the unfractionated cells.Erythropoietin-induced differentiation of precursor cells is characterized by a marked increase in globin mRNA activity and in the rate of globin synthesis. (pH 7.4) and centrifuged at 750 X g for 3 min at 4°. The supernatant was removed, the nuclear fraction was washed once with 0.5 ml of this buffer, and the wash was combined with the first supernatant solution. (b) Mechanical lysis: the cells were suspended in 2 ml of 30 mM Tris-HCl-5 mM Mg acetate-10 mM KCl (pH 7.5) and lysed in a Dounce homogenizer with five strokes of the lightly-fitted pestle (5).