Plasmodium falciparum-derived cysteine protease falcipain-2 cleaves host erythrocyte hemoglobin at acidic pH and specific components of the membrane skeleton at neutral pH. Analysis of stage-specific expression of these 2 proteolytic activities of falcipain-2 shows that hemoglobinhydrolyzing activity is maximum in early trophozoites and declines rapidly at late stages, whereas the membrane skeletal protein hydrolyzing activity is markedly increased at the late trophozoite and schizont stages. Among the erythrocyte membrane skeletal proteins, ankyrin and protein 4.1 are cleaved by native and recombinant falcipain-2 near their C-termini. To identify the precise peptide sequence at the hydrolysis site of protein 4.1, we used a recombinant construct of protein 4.1 as substrate followed by MALDI-MS analysis of the cleaved product. We show that falcipain-2-mediated cleavage of protein 4.1 occurs immediately after lysine 437, which lies within a region of the spectrinactin-binding domain critical for erythrocyte membrane stability. A 16-mer peptide containing the cleavage site completely inhibited the enzyme activity and blocked falcipain-2-induced fragmentation of erythrocyte ghosts. Based on these results, we propose that falcipain-2 cleaves hemoglobin in the acidic food vacuole at the early trophozoite stage, whereas it cleaves specific components of the red cell skeleton at the late trophozoite and schizont stages. It is the proteolysis of skeletal proteins that causes membrane instability, which, in turn, facilitates parasite release in vivo.
IntroductionPlasmodium falciparum causes the most severe form of human malaria and is becoming increasingly resistant to available antimalarial drugs. New chemotherapy-based approaches to fight the disease are therefore urgently needed. Parasite proteases that are involved in P falciparum development appear to be good targets. Mounting evidence suggests that cysteine proteases are involved in host cell rupture and release of merozoites. In the presence of such inhibitors, merozoites mature normally but are unable to escape from host erythrocytes. [1][2][3][4] The cluster of merozoites inside a red blood cell (RBC) is enclosed within 2 membranes: an inner parasitophorous vacuole membrane (PVM) and an outer RBC membrane. The rupture of these 2 membranes apparently releases the merozoites for another round of RBC invasion. In a recent study by Salmon et al,5 the authors propose a 2-step process for parasite release from the host erythrocyte: an initial exit of merozoites enclosed within the PVM followed by a rapid escape from the PVM by a proteolysisdependent mechanism. This study suggests that the RBC membrane is lost independently of the PVM. In another report, Winograd et al 6 used videomicroscopy to study the release of merozoites and concluded that an aperture is made through the PVM and RBC membranes to allow merozoites to exit in an orderly fashion. Merozoites were released together with the residual body containing hemozoin, leaving behind the red cell membrane and some...