The collagenase from the larvae Hypoderma lineaturn, with a molecular weight of 24000 and isoelectric point of 4.1, was obtained in homogeneous form by ion-exchange chromatography. It is stoichiometrically inhibited by diisopropylfluorophosphate. On the other hand it is unaffected by ethylenediaminetetraacetate, p-chloromercuribenzoate, dithiothreitol, N-tosyllysine chloromethyl ketone, N-tosylphenylalanine chloromethyl ketone and ovomucoid trypsin inhibitor. The enzyme which degrades native collagen in its helical parts, has a specific activity on thermally reconstituted collagen fibrils of 150 pg collagen degraded x min-' x (mg enzyme)-' at 37 "C. It hydrolyses casein but has no esterolytic activity characteristic of trypsin, chymotrypsin nor elastase. It has no action on the synthetic peptide 4-phenylazobenzyloxycarbonyl-~-prolyl-~-leucyl-glycyl-~-prolyl-~-arginine. The amino acid composition of Hypoderma collagenase indicates a distinct similarity with the serine proteinases of the trypsin family and with another athropode serine collagenase, that of the fiddler crab Uca pugilator. This suggests that eucaryotic collagenases with digestive rather than morphogenic function represent a new category of members of the trypsin family.Since the occurence of a collagenase from a eucaryote was first described in tadpole skin culture media [l], a number of collagenases from various animal and human tissues have been isolated and characterized [2-51. Little is known, however, about the collagenases from eucaryotes which do not play a role in the physiological remodelling of connective tissues. Such collagenases functioning as digestive enzymes have been demonstrated in the hepatopancreas from the fiddler crab, Ucapugilator [6,7], and in the pyloric caeca from a fish, Seriola quinquecadiata [8]. Many years ago, collagenolytic enzymes were also reported in parasites which enter through the skin of their host [9 -131. The demonstration of a collagenolytic enzyme in the midgut of the first instar migrating larvae from and migrate during eight months while digesting its connective tissues, helped by the enzymic secretion of their salivary glands. As they migrate, the larvae partially reabsorb their salivary enzymes together with the degradation products of the connective tissue of their host and stock them in their midgut which is closed in its hind end and can thus act as a reservoir In a previous biochemical study, the collagenase from H. lineatum was purified and partially characterized [16]. Its mode of attack on collagen was shown to be similar to that of vertebrate tissue collagenases in that it cleaves native collagen, at neutral pH and under non-denaturing conditions, at a site located three-quarters of the length of the molecule from the N terminus. H. lineatum collagenase differs however from vertebrate collagenases in regard to its behaviour to various inhibitors, particularily EDTA. Although this agent completely blocks the action of most tissues collagenases, which are metalloenzymes, it was without effect on t...