1The content of kinins and T-kininogen (the third kininogen) in exudates induced by the subcutaneous implantation of saline-soaked sponges have been measured by radioimmunoassay in normal Wistar rats and in Brown Norway rats from a strain which is deficient in high and low molecular weight kininogens. 2 In both strains, sponge implantation induced a rise of T-kininogen in plasma with subsequent accumulation in the sponge exudate. This accumulation correlated with the extravasation of plasma proteins during the first 6 h. Bioassays showed that the T-kinin moiety was retained in T-kininogen. 3 In Wistar rats, a large release of immunoreactive kinins up to a mean value of 6.4 ng ml-was observed during the first 6 h and on the second day after the implantation. In Brown Norway rats, the kinin level in the exudates did not exceed 0.53 ng ml-'. 4 Of the kinins present during the first 6 h in the exudates withdrawn from Wistar rats, 60% were identified by high performance liquid chromatography as bradykinin. 5 The volume of the exudate induced by the implantation of dry sponges was smaller in Brown Norway rats than in Wistar rats. 6 We conclude that the role of T-kininogen in this kind of exudate was mainly the inhibition of thiol proteinases and not the release of T-kinin. In Wistar rats, bradykinin acts as a proinflammatory factor during the first hours and may play a role during the healing process.