These investigations were undertaken to discover whether the membrane of the mature human erythrocyte is capable of metabolic activity that could possibly provide the means for active transport.Hoffman (2) has clearly shown that ATP provides energy for sodium transport, and it has been assumed that ATP for this process is supplied from within the erythrocyte. It seemed reasonable to examine membranes not only for possible sources of ATP production, but also for segments of metabolic pathways that could function as specific transport systems.Two methods have been in general use for the study of the enzymic composition of membranes (3). In one, whole cells are incubated with substrates or inhibitors to which the membrane is known to be impermeable. Any change in the external medium is then taken to represent enzymic activity present on the outer surface of the membrane. In the second method., labeled, permeable substrates are added to the medium, and after relatively short intervals, labeled compounds are extracted from the interior of cells and identified. The enzymic activity of the membrane is then deduced from the observed changes in substrates. Both methods have been useful, but neither can provide information about the organization of enzymes in the membranes. For this purpose, it is necessary to prepare and study erythrocyte membranes themselves.In the present study, morphologically intact homogeneous membranes, virtually free of hemoglobin, were prepared by dialysis of human erythrocytes against increasingly hypotonic saline * Supported by grants from the National Heart Institute (H-5305), U. S. Public Health Service, and the American Cancer Society (Institutional Grant 32A). Preliminary results of this study were submitted to the American Society for Clinical Investigation (1).tMarkle Scholar in Medical according to a modification of the nmethod of Danon, Nevo, and Marikovsky (4).Since mature human erythrocytes obtain their energy from glycolysis through generation of ATP, we examined erythrocyte membranes for pathways, or segments of pathways, of carbohydrate metabolism (Figure 1) that could be sources of energy for transport and perhaps also function as specific transport carriers.
I. Preparation of membranes and hemolysatesA. Red-cell membranes. Fresh venous blood, drawn from healthy adult males or from patients hospitalized for nonsystemic illnesses (e.g., hernia repair, fractures), was immediately defibrinated with glass beads, transferred to 50-ml Lusteroid tubes, and centrifuged at 3,000 X g at 4' C for 5 minutes in a Lourdes LR refrigerated centrifuge with 9RA rotor. Serum and buffy coat were aspirated. Packed erythrocytes were washed by resuspension in 3 vol 0.145 M NaCl at 40 C and were centrifuged at 3,000 X g at 4' C for 5 minutes; they were washed a second time in 4 vol cold 0.145 M NaCl and centrifuged at 12,000 X g at 40 C for 15 minutes. The supernatant fluid was discarded, and samples of the packed cells were taken for counting in a Coulter model A counter. The a...