In a 1914 book entitled The Respiratory Function of the Blood, Joseph Barcroft stated that "the cell takes what it needs and leaves the rest." He postulated that there must be both a "call for oxygen" and a "mechanism by which the call elicits a response…" In the past century, intensive investigation has provided significant insights into the hemodynamic and biophysical mechanisms involved in supplying oxygen to skeletal muscle. However, the identification of the mechanism by which tissue oxygen needs are sensed and the affector responsible for altering the upstream vasculature to enable the need to be appropriately met has been a challenge. In 1995, Ellsworth et al proposed that the oxygen carrying erythrocyte, by virtue of its capacity to release the vasoactive mediator ATP in response to a decrease in oxygen saturation, could serve both roles. Several in vitro and in situ studies have established that exposure of erythrocytes to reduced oxygen tension induces the release of ATP which does result in a conducted arteriolar vasodilation with a sufficiently rapid time course to make the mechanism physiologically relevant. The components of the signaling pathway for the controlled release of ATP from erythrocytes in response to exposure to low oxygen tension have been determined. In addition, the implications of defective ATP release on human pathological conditions have been explored. This review provides a perspective on oxygen supply and the role that such a mechanism plays in meeting the oxygen needs of skeletal muscle.
ATP; erythrocyte; Oxygen TransportSkeletal muscle requires not only an adequate convective supply of oxygen (O 2 ) to the muscle as a whole, but also a mechanism to appropriately distribute that O 2 within the muscle to meet localized tissue needs. August Krogh (1919A,B) Based on many decades of research, we know that there must be an effective interaction between the convective and diffusive O 2 transport processes within the microvasculature and the surrounding tissue to ensure a level of tissue oxygenation that meets but, importantly, does not exceed local metabolic needs. The results of experimental studies and computational modeling approaches have resulted in a basic working framework for the process shown in Figure 1. If blood were a simple homogenous fluid, then microvascular blood flow could be easily calculated from knowledge of microvascular architecture (diameter and length of individual vascular segments, and network organization), blood viscosity and the systemic blood pressure gradient across the organ.
The Complexities of Basic Microvascular Oxygen TransportMicrovasculature architecture is not static, even in the short term, as regulatory control based on pressure (myogenic control) and flow rate (shear stress) modulate arteriolar diameter while neural, humoral and metabolic regulatory systems attempt to adjust systemic and local microvascular pressure or blood flow. An additional complicating factor is that blood itself is not a homogenous fluid. As the micr...