A co ns ider at io n of th e defi ciencies in standa rd methods used for t he cr yometr ic clrt(' rmination of puri ty has led to a new a pproac h in w hi ch t he m eas uremen t of an in t('n siv(' r ath er t ha n a n extensive proper ty is t he contr ollin g fa ctor. This m ethod , m easu re men t of t h e di electri c con stan t as a fun ction of t he fractio n melted a nd correlation w ith t h e acco mpan y ing change in te mperature, allows calculat ion of puri ty w it h hi gh precision. Th e a pparat us used a nd ex perim en tal work p erform ed t o ascer ta in t he sco pe of t he m eth od a re desc ribed. Dete rmin at ion of puri ty fo r o rgani c co mpo nnds wit h differin g polari zabilities a nd dipol e moments indicate a rat her w id e a ppli ca bili ty o f t he m ethod . The la rge eha nge in t h e d ielectric co nstant of a hi gh p uri ty co mpoun d as it p asses fr o m solid t o liquid sta te, with a n acco mpa ny in g small chan ge in te mperature, may allow a u to matic con t rol of t emper at ure wit hin extre mely n a rrow limi ts .
Cryometric MethodThe well-known m ethod or freezing poin L depression, (T Jo-TJ) -wh ere TJO is the freezing point of t he pure ma teri al and T J t hat or the ac tual sftmplepro vides a sensi ti\T e nond estructive m easure of impuri ties. In t his method a pb ysical proper ty, ~, is determined as a IuncLion of Lempera ture, Tx, in. the region or tbe liquid-solid transition . Th e liquid frac tion, F, is presumed to be a linear function or ~, tha t is:For nearly pure substances the gener alized van 't Hoff equation applies:1:,N t designates th e sum of the mole fractions of impuri ties soluble in th e liquid and insoluble in t he solid. Conventionally it is written N 2*' .6. H f is the molar h ea t of fusion of the pure m aterial. R is the gas constant. The factor .6.HJ/RTJo 2 is generally r eferred to as the cryoscopic constant, A, and (TfO -Tx) is equated to .6. T so tha t eq (2) can be written :Where N l* is the mole fraction of tb e major component. On r ewri ting (3) w e have the straight line r elationship : (4) Wh en F = l , Tx= Tf> the m el ting poin t of the sample by defini tion. When the line is extrapolated to F=O , Tx= TJo , so tha t by th ermodynamic t h eory applicable to dilute solu tions the m elting point of t he pure subs tance can be deri \'ed exp erimentally from a plot or ~ vcrsus T x. In practice cxp erimen ters of ten derive T fo by extn1.polation of Lh e hypcrboli::: r elation (3) to p=o.Presen. L ly t here exist Lhr ee widely used cryomeLric tcchniqu cs. In d ilatometry [1 , 2] 1 the sample volume is t he physical prop er ty~. Th e t wo other techniqucs eff ec Li vely depend Oll h eat con ten t . They ar e adiab atic calorimetry [3,4] and timetemperature (thermometric) fr eezin g cur vcs [5,6]. A car efully conducted comparison [7] h as shown tha L Lhc Lhree tec hniqu es, cach at i Ls b esL, can gi\Te r eliable r csul L. Th e chief acl\ran tage in t be caIOl'im etric approac h is Lbat 011 C direcLly ob tain s accurate values for hea ts of ...