Processes that proceed
in femtoseconds are usually referred to
as being ultrafast, and they are investigated in experiments that
involve laser pulses with femtosecond duration in so-called pump probe
schemes, where a light pulse triggers a molecular process and a second
light pulse interrogates the temporal evolution of the molecular population.
The focus of this review is on the reactivity patterns that arise
when energy is not equally distributed on all the available degrees
of freedom as a consequence of the very short time scale in play and
on how the localization of internal energy in a specific mode can
be thought of as directing a process toward (or away from) a certain
outcome. The nonstatistical aspects are illustrated with examples
from photophysics and photochemistry for a range of organic molecules.
The processes are initiated by a variety of nuclear motions that are
all governed by the energy gradients in the Franck–Condon region.
Essentially, the molecules will start to adapt to the new electronic
environment on the excited state to eventually reach the equilibrium
structure. It is this structural change that is enabling an ultrafast
electronic transition in cases where the nuclear motion leads to a
transition point with significant coupling between to electronic states
and to ultrafast reaction if there is a coupling to a reactive mode
at the transition point between the involved states. With the knowledge
of the relation between electronic excitation and equilibrium structure,
it is possible to predict how the nuclei move after excitation and
often whether an ultrafast (and inherently nonstatistical) electronic
transition or even a bond breakage will take place. In addition to
the understanding of how nonstatistical photoinduced processes proceed
from a given excited state, it has been found that randomization of
the energy does not even always take place when the molecule takes
part in processes that are normally considered statistical, such as
for example nonradiative transitions between excited states. This
means that energy can be localized in a specific degree of freedom
on a state other than the one that is initially prepared. This is
a finding that could kickoff the ultimate dream in applied photochemistry;
namely light excitation that leads to the rupture of a specific bond.