“…I have developed my argument for practitioner research at length elsewhere and so will not pursue it here (see Allwright, 2003aAllwright, , 2003b except to say that it fundamentally underlies the notion of Exploratory Practice, a principled framework for practitioner research in the language classroom. 1 Exploratory Practice has arisen out of my concern, and especially that of Miller and colleagues (see, e.g., Cunha, 2004;Kuschnir & Machado, 2003;Lyra, Fish Braga, & Gomes Braga, 2003;Miller, 2003;Miller & Bannell, 1998) in Rio de Janeiro for teacher and learner development. Exploratory Practice was developed out of two ethical concerns: (a) the damaging split between researchers and teachers, and (b) the high risk of burnout associated with current proposals for teacher-based classroom research.…”