Pyogenic liver abscess has become a health problem in Taiwanese society. However, the extent of this problem has remained unclear because of the lack of a populationbased study. We therefore performed a nationwide analysis of pyogenic liver abscess in Taiwan from 1996 through 2004. We analyzed 29,703 cases from the Taiwan National Health Insurance database and 506 cases from National Taiwan University Hospital. Our analysis showed that the annual incidence of pyogenic liver abscess increased steadily from 11.15/100,000 population in 1996 to 17.59/100,000 in 2004. Diabetes, malignancy, renal disease, and pneumonia were associated with a higher risk for the disease. By contrast, death due to pyogenic liver abscess decreased over time, although population-based abscess-related death increased slightly. Renal disease, malignancy, pneumonia, and heart disease correlated with higher death rates; Klebsiella pneumoniae infection and therapeutic procedures were related to lower death rates. Diabetes did not signifi cantly change death rates for the 506 patients from the hospital.T he epidemiology of pyogenic liver abscess has changed dramatically in recent years (1). Previously, although incidence was considered rare, the condition was associated with high illness and death rates, usually due to underlying hepatobiliary diseases and polymicrobial infection (2), with Escherichia coli as the major pathogen (3). More recently, investigations in Taiwan suggest the role of cryptogenic or primary liver abscess, i.e., abscesses without underlying hepatobiliary diseases, in pyogenic liver abscess (4,5). These reports also indicate that diabetes is the major predisposing factor of liver abscess and that Klebsiella pneumoniae is the primary pathogen. However, these results were obtained from small-scale hospital-based surveys, which could not provide a panoramic view of the disease. To confi rm these observation-based results, we conducted a large-scale, unbiased investigation.In addition to epidemiology, the pathogenesis of liver abscess caused by Klebsiella spp. has also been extensively studied, but the mechanism is still not clear. MagA, an outermembrane protein contributing to capsular polysaccharide formation, coexists with serotype K1 and has been identifi ed as the major virulence factor of K. pneumoniae (6). MagApositive (or serotype K1) K. pneumoniae is accordingly recognized as the main pathogen of pyogenic liver abscess (7,8). Nevertheless, how diabetes increases the risk for Klebsiella spp. liver abscess is still not clear. Further research is needed on whether pyogenic liver abscess is affected by immunocompromised conditions, such as malignancy, renal failure, postorgan transplantation, or HIV infection.To clarify the epidemiology and pathogenesis of pyogenic liver abscess, we used information gathered by the Taiwan National Health Insurance (NHI) program, which was initiated in 1995 by the government to cover most Taiwanese citizens. In 2005, 91.25% of healthcare providers were enrolled in the program and 99% of Ta...