An 8‐year‐old, intact, female, mixed breed dog was presented due to vomiting, constipation and inguinal swelling. Haematology and biochemistry revealed leukocytosis. A lateral abdominal radiograph revealed a soft tissue opacity, round to ovoid mass, in the caudal inguinal region. Gas‐filled intestinal loops were present at the cranial aspect of the mass. Further imaging was declined. Thus, an exploratory laparotomy was performed. An inguinal hernial sac containing fluid, a closed pyometra and intestinal loops was revealed. The contents of the inguinal hernia were returned to the abdominal cavity, an ovariohysterectomy was performed via a median laparotomy and the inguinal ring was closed, leaving the caudal aspect open. The dog's recovery was uneventful. To the authors’ knowledge, this is the first reported case of pyometra inguinal herniation in a dog with concurrent herniation of the jejunum and ileum.