The kinetics and products of the pyrolytic reaction of six tosyl arenecarboxaldoximes were studied over the temperature range ca 334 -401 K to yield the following Arrhenius log A/s À1 and E a / kJ mol À1 , respectively: 10.92 and 98.25 for tosyl benzaldoxime and 10.83 and 100.4 for m-nitro-, 10.66 and 97.53 for p-chloro-, 11.80 and 107.8 for m-chloro-, 11.60 and 101.5 for p-methyl-and 10.84 and 97.75 for p-methoxybenzaldehyde O- [(4-methylphenyl)sulphonyl]oxime. At 500 K, the oxime compounds were found to be 9.4 Â 10 3 -2.7 Â 10 4 -fold more reactive than their hydrazone analogues.