Can. J. Chem. 58, 1880(1980). The photocyclization of 5-(2-halogenopheny1)-1,3-diphenyl pyrazoles proceeds efficiently with the exclusion ofsolvent participation hydrogen abstraction reactions. In agiven solvent, the quantum yields of cyclization (4) of CI, Br, and I compounds show no correlation with carbon-halogen bond dissociation energies. In a series of solvents, 4 varies smoothly with solvent viscosity and is independent of solvent polarity. The 4 values are independent of triplet quenchers, air, intensity and wavelength of radiation, and reactant concentration. Photocyclization can be triplet sensitized at up to 80% of the direct reaction rate and the reactant triplet energies are about 65 kcal mol-I while DC-Br is 81 and DcPcl is 95 kcal mol-'. A mechanism of homolytic fission assisted by radical complexation is proposed to accommodate the results. Photocyclization of the H-and MeO-substituted analogues proceeds inefficiently and with 4 values dependent on solvent polarity. An electrocyclic mechanism is followed in these cases. The assisted homolysis model explains several anomalies in the field of aryl halide photochemistry. [Traduit par lejournal]