The decomposition of simple aromatic molecules is examined to gain insight into possible reaction pathways involved in coal hydrogasification. Experimental data on benzene and anthracene decomposition kinetics in the literature suggest that the rate-determining step involves destabilization of the aromatic ring. Decomposition rates are substantially independent of hydrogen partial pressures from near zero to 100 atm; over this range the dominant product changes from solid carbon (coke) to methane gas. The associated experimental activation energies are proportional to benzene and anthracene delocalization energies as calculated from Dewars theory of odd-alternant hydrocarbons. Carbon-forming reactions and the synthesis of aromatic molecules during pyrolysis of paraffinic hydrocarbons are also studied.Tn synthesizing low sulfur fuels from coal the Stone & Webster process A uses the step-by-step addition of hydrogen to coal under conditions which minimize coke production. The first step involves the conversion of solid coal to a liquid by mild hydrocracking in the presence of a recycle solvent. In the next step these liquids react further with hydrogen under more severe conditions to produce methane, ethane, and aromatics.To obtain favorable reaction rates the product gas must contain some unreacted hydrogen. The synthesis of ethane makes this possible and at the same time meets the objective of a high volumetric heating value. Aromatic liquids are relatively inexpensive to produce since they contain little more hydrogen than coal. Another advantage is that a Btu of liquid is cheaper to transport by pipeline than a Btu of gas.The principal reason for gasifying a portion of the liquefied coal is to make substitute pipeline gas which normally is the primary product. Second, as conversion to gas increases, the quality of the residual liquid 237 Downloaded by NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV on October 12, 2012 |