“…Accurate translation of the genetic information into proteins is a complex ensemble performance by essential cellular players: the ribosome, messenger RNAs, aminoacylated tRNAs, and a host of additional protein and RNA factors+ Among the latter are the aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (aaRS 1 ), which join amino acids with their cognate transfer RNAs in a high-fidelity reaction+ Although the principal functions of the aaRS in translation were established decades ago, these enzymes have continued to surprise us with their idiosyncratic origins, mechanistic complexities, and unexpected connections to other critical aspects of cellular function+ Like a venerable character actor playing against type in a new production, the aaRS and their close relatives are emerging with new functions in biology+ These include direct participation in amino acid biosynthesis, DNA replication, RNA splicing, and aspects of eukaryotic cell biology related to cytokine function and cell cycle control+ Many of these roles were discussed at the Fourth International Conference on Aminoacyl-tRNA Synthetases in Biology, Medicine, and Evolution, which was organized by the authors and held earlier this year at Asilomar+ The remarkable functional diversity of tRNA synthetases hints at the underlying flexibility and adaptability of the translation apparatus, a feature also highlighted by the recent report of a new amino acid, pyrrolysine (Hao et al+, 2002;Srinivasan et al+, 2002)+ This "22nd amino acid" is likely incorporated into proteins by use of the same strategy employed for the "21st amino acid," selenocysteine+ Here we summarize recent findings that strengthen our understanding of the catalytic mechanisms and substrate recognition properties of tRNA synthetases, particularly with regard to induced-fit conformational changes and amino acid editing+ We also describe new and highly significant developments in the field+ The emerging picture is of a family of enzymes distinguished by a multiplicity of biological roles, potential for impact in the evolution of biotechnology, and the ancient function in translation that sheds light on the molecular evolution of life (Fig+ 1)+ Readers should be advised that space limitations pre-clude us from discussing here many of the interesting program areas covered at the meeting, including aaRS-tRNA interactions, aaRS as therapeutic targets, aaRS evolution and phylogenetics, and other aspects of tRNA synthetase structure and function+ All aaRS catalyze a two-step aminoacylation reaction+ This entails condensation of the amino acid with ATP to form an activated aminoacyl adenylate intermediate, followed by transfer of the amino acid to the 39-terminal ribose of tRNA to generate the aminoacylated product (Ibba & Soll, 2000)+ In this way, each amino acid becomes associated with one or more anticodon sequences in the cognate tRNA isoacceptor set, and thus a corresponding set of codons+ In the original adaptor hypothesis proposed by Francis Crick, each amino acid is associated with its unique cognate aaRS, such that a typical cell would possess a full complement of 20 different aaRS to accommodate all of the standard amino acids used in translation (Crick, 1958)+ A major insight gained in the last decade has been that these 20 canonical enzymes are divided evenly into two classes, each of which represents a distinct evolutionary solution to the requirement for the aminoacylation reaction+ Enzymes of the same family share a characteristic catalytic fold, identifiable peptide sequence motifs, and distinctive mechanistic features (Ibba & Soll, 2000)+ Thus, the catalytic domains of class I enzymes are based on a Rossmann dinucleotide binding fold, whereas those of class II enzymes are organized around a si...…”