Summary: Transient cerebral ischemia in normoglycemic animals is followed by a decrease in glucose utilization, reflecting a postischemic cerebral metabolic depression and a reduction in the activity of the pyruvate dehydro genase complex (PDHC ). Preischemic hyperglycemia, which aggravates ischemic brain damage and invariably causes seizure, is known to further reduce cerebral met abolic rate. To investigate whether these effects are ac companied by changes in PDHC activity, the postisch emic cerebral cortical activity of this enzyme was inves tigated in rats with preischemic hyperglycemia (plasma glucose 20-25 mM). The results were compared with those obtained in normoglycemic animals (plasma glu cose 5-10 mM). The activated portion of PDHC and total PDHC activity were measured in neocortical samples as the rate of decarboxylation of [14C]pyruvate in crude brain mitochondrial homogenates after 5 min, 15 min, 1 h, 6 h, and 18 h of recirculation following 15 min of incom plete cerebral ischemia. In normoglycemic animals the fraction of activated PDHC, which rises abruptly duringThe delayed neuronal damage observed after transient ischemia may be caused by a deranged cellular calcium metabolism (for reviews, see Siesj6, 198 1; Siesj6 and Wieloch, 1986;Choi, 1988; Siesj6, 1988b; however, see also Cheung et aI., 1986; Dux et aI., 1987). Influx of calcium from ex tra-to intracellular fluids occurs during the isch emic transient, but uptake of calcium by mitochon dria is probably partly a reperfusion event. This is because such uptake requires reestablishment of Received October 16, 1989; revised December 28, 1989; ac cepted December 29, 1989. Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr. J. Lund gren at Laboratory for Experimental Brain Research, Lund Hos pital, S-221 85 Lund, Sweden.Abbreviations used: DCA, dichloroacetic acid; EGT A, ethyl eneglycol bis(aminoethylether)tetraacetate; PDHC, pyruvate de hydrogenase complex.
536ischemia, was reduced to 19-25% during recirculation compared with 30% in sham-operated controls. In hyper glycemic rats the fraction of activated PDHC was higher during the first 15 min of recirculation. However, after 1 and 6 h of recirculation, the fraction was reduced to val ues similar to those measured in normoglycemic animals. Fifteen of 26 rats experienced early (1-4 h post ischemia) seizures in the recovery period. The PDHC activity ap peared unchanged prior to these early postischemic sei zures. We conclude that the accentuated depression of postischemic metabolic rate observed in hyperglycemic animals is not coupled to a corresponding postischemic depression of PDHC. The relative increase in the fraction of activated PDHC in the early recovery phase in hyper glycemic animals probably reflects either increased intra mitochondrial calcium levels or persistent increases in the NADH/NAD and/or ADP/ATP ratios. Key Words: Brain-Hyperglycemia-Ischemia-Pyruvate dehydro genase complex. 1988; Folbergrova et aI., 1989). The worsening of the outcome is assumed to be related to the a...