Cell-free extracts of Clo8tridium kluyveri catalyse the oxidation by molecular oxygen of certain fatty acids with four to eight carbon atoms (Stadtman & Barker, 1949a, b). Work with this obligate anaerobe has shed much light on mechanisms by which fatty acids are oxidized biologically (for reviews see Barker, 1951;Stadtman & Stadtman, 1953), but little progress has been made with aerobic microorganisms since hitherto it has not been possible to prepare from them extracts with biochemical activities comparable with those from C. kluyveri. Indeed, studies of enzyme induction in whole cells of Serratia marceacen8 gave results apparently opposed to ,B-oxidation of saturated fatty acids with 2 to 14 carbon atoms (Silliker & Rittenberg, 1951. It has been suggested (Stadtman & Stadtman, 1953), however, that in these experiments the enzymes induced may be those responsible for activation of the free fatty acids and not for their oxidation; and Ivler, Wolfe & Rittenberg (1955) have prepared an extract from P8eudomona8 fluore8cen8 which produced acetate from n-decanoate with the consumption of only 1 tmole of oxygen/umole of substrate, and which further suggested ,8-oxidation by its cofactor requirements and in the formation of a hydroxamate of n-decanoate. The evidence of Webley, Duff & Farmer (1955) strongly supported fioxidation as the mechanism of breakdown of wphenyl-substituted fatty acids by whole cells of Nocardia opaca. Various investigations (Dagley & Rodgers, 1953;Dagley & Johnson, 1956; Dagley & Walker, 1956) indicate that the tricarboxylic acid cycle operates for the vibrio used in the present work, and Krebs, Gurin & Eggleston (1952) have suggested that for micro-organisms generally the main function of the cycle is to provide intermediates for use in synthesis. When the carbon * Part 75: El Masri, Smith & Williams (1958).