This paper is concerned with the two-stage hierarchical control of microgrids (MG) that can operate in both grid-connected and off-grid modes. The procedure consists in the segmentation of the control scheme in the primary and secondary levels, thus enabling the application of faster and slower dynamics according to the process. A decentralized droop control-based method is used in the primary level, while a distributed multi-agent coordination scheme is applied in the secondary one. The multi-agent system is run on Python Agent DEvelopment (PADE) environment, a FIPA-compliant agent framework. The key contributions this paper provides are the control strategies of reactive power output of nondispatchable sources, dynamic sharing of energy storage systems, and the management of loads of microgrids, all of them based on multi-agent system. Cosimulations using PSCAD TM and PADE are performed considering several operating scenarios of the MG resources under different load conditions. Simulation results validate the accurate performance of the proposed control strategies.
K E Y W O R D Sdistributed energy resources, distributed generation, droop control, energy storage system, hierarchical control, microgrid, multi-agent systems List of abbreviations: ω*, frequency for P*; V*, voltage amplitude for Q*; ω, measured frequency; V, measured voltage amplitude; P*, active power reference; Q*, reactive power reference; P, measured active power; Q, measured reactive power; G P (s), active power controller; G Q (s), reactive power controller; m p , proportional gain of active power; m d , derivative gain of active power; m i , integral gain of active power; n p , proportional gain of reactive power; n i , integral gain of reactive power; MOP, MG status; α, coeficiente modifica a potência BT com seu SoC; Δδ, angular difference between the MG and the main network voltages; k, gain for achieve synchronism; f nom and ω nom , nominal frequency [Hz and rad/s]; S nom , rated power; V nom , nominal voltage; Z cable , cable impedance; E max , maximum energy of battery bank; P MPP , optimal instantaneous active power of the nondispatchable source; β, adjustment factor for reactive power; Q max , maximum active power generated by intermittent sources; Q L , reactive power requested by the load; Q int *, reference reactive power for intermittent resources; Q disp *, reference reactive power for dispatchable resources; CX x , the availability of the resource (0 = unavailable, 1 = in operation); nd, number of dispatchable DERs; ni, number of intermittent DERs; ACL, agent communication language; AgDERdisp, agent of dispatchable DER; AgDispG, agent of dispatchable generation; AgESS, agent of ESS; AgIG, agent of intermittent generation; AgIGB, agent of intermittent generation balance; AgL, agent of load; AgPCCandB, agent of pcc and balance; AgTL, agent of total load;