The article examines the current state of teacher training in artificial intelligence. The content of disciplines related to artificial intelligence included in the curricula of pedagogical universities of Russia is analyzed. The current trends in the selection of software tools used for developments in artificial intelligence technologies in Russia and abroad are considered. The objective of the article is to substantiate the need to review the content of the training of a future informatics teacher in artificial intelligence, taking into account current trends in the development of artificial intelligence technologies and the requirements of Federal State Educational Standards. From studying expert systems, the Prolog and Lisp languages, the author suggests moving on to studying modern tools for implementing artificial intelligence technologies using the Python programming language. The article provides the content of the discipline “Technology of Artificial Intelligence” proposed by the author, being tested at the Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University. Such a change in the content is intended to ensure the practical orientation of the educational process within the framework of the relevant discipline, to increase the competence of the future informatics teacher in the field of modern high tech information technologies, to promote the development of motivation to learn the current Python programming language, thereby increasing its competitiveness in the labor market.