Science. It is sponsored by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO).CWI is a founding member of ERCIM, the European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics.CWI's research has a theme-oriented structure and is grouped into four clusters. Listed below are the names of the clusters and in parentheses their acronyms. From coordination to stochastic models of QoS ABSTRACT Reo is a channel-based coordination model whose operational semantics is given by Constraint Automata (CA). Quantitative Constraint Automata extend CA (and hence, Reo) with quantitative models to capture such non-functional aspects of a system's behaviour as delays, costs, resource needs and consumption, that depend on the internal details of the system. However, the performance of a system can crucially depend not only on its internal details, but also on how it is used in an environment, as determined for instance by the frequencies and distributions of the arrivals of I/O requests. In this paper we propose Quantitative Intentional Automata (QIA), an extension of CA that allow incorporating the influence of a system's environment on its performance. Moreover, we show the translation of QIA into ContinuousTime Markov Chains (CTMCs), which allows us to apply existing CTMC tools and techniques for performance analysis of QIA and Reo circuits. Abstract. Reo is a channel-based coordination model whose operational semantics is given by Constraint Automata (CA). Quantitative Constraint Automata extend CA (and hence, Reo) with quantitative models to capture such non-functional aspects of a system's behaviour as delays, costs, resource needs and consumption, that depend on the internal details of the system. However, the performance of a system can crucially depend not only on its internal details, but also on how it is used in an environment, as determined for instance by the frequencies and distributions of the arrivals of I/O requests. In this paper we propose Quantitative Intentional Automata (QIA), an extension of CA that allow incorporating the influence of a system's environment on its performance. Moreover, we show the translation of QIA into Continuous-Time Markov Chains (CTMCs), which allows us to apply existing CTMC tools and techniques for performance analysis of QIA and Reo circuits.
Probability, Networks and Algorithms (PNA)SoftwareKeywords: Performance evaluation, Coordination language, Reo, MarkovChains.
IntroductionService-oriented Computing (SOC) provides the means to design and deploy distributed applications that span organization boundaries and computing platforms by exploiting and composing existing services available over a network. Services are platform-and network-independent applications that support rapid, low-cost, loosely-coupled composition. Services run on the hardware of their own providers, in different containers, separated by fire-walls and other ownership and trust barriers. Their composition requires additional mechanisms (e.g., process work-flow engines, connectors, or glue code) to impos...