A gauge invariant description of the chromoelectromagnetic field and colour current demands the use of nonlocal operators. We show that such operators can be constructed in a essentially unique way by enforcing full Poincark covariance, and that they are related through Maxwell, rather than Yang-Mills, equations. Their nonlocality entails the fact that causal and time-ordered propagators are no more the same object and, consequently, the relations between causal and retarded propagators, which in the case of local fields are derived by means of Lehman representation, break down. The linear response theory approach to the propagation of long wavelength oscillations in hot gluon plasma is then reconsidered in the light of the above circumstance. We obtain manifestly gauge invariant plasmon frequency and decay width by computing the retarded current-current commutator from its very definition in the real time formalism. In addition to finding the commonly accepted 1-loop value for the plasma frequency and a positive 1-loop value for the Landau damping, we are able to give a non-perturbative proof of the positivity of the decay width, regardless of the high temperature expansion. We finally discuss the coexistence of a positive plasmon width and ultraviolet asymptotic freedom.