Motivated by the flavored Peccei-Quinn symmetry for unifying the flavor physics and string theory, we construct an explicit model by introducing a U (1) symmetry such that the U (1) X -[gravity] 2 anomaly-free condition together with the standard model flavor structure demands additional sterile neutrinos as well as no axionic domain-wall problem. Such additional sterile neutrinos play the role of a realization of baryogenesis via a new Affleck-Dine leptogenesis. We provide grounds for that the U (1) X symmetry could be interpreted as a fundamental symmetry of nature. The model will resolve rather recent, but fast-growing issues in astro-particle physics, including leptonic mixings and CP violation in neutrino oscillation, high-energy neutrinos, QCD axion, and axion cooling of stars. The QCD axion decay constant, through its connection to the astrophysical constraints of stellar evolution and the SM fermion masses, is shown to be fixed at F A = 1.30 +0.66 −0.54 ×10 9 GeV (consequently, its mass is m a = 4.34 +3.37 −1.49 meV and axion-photon coupling is |g aγγ | = 1.30 +1.01 −0.45 ×10 −12 GeV −1 ). Interestingly enough, we show that neutrino oscillations at low energies could be connected to astronomical-scale baseline neutrino oscillations. The model predicts non-observational neutrinoless double beta (0νββ) decay rate as well as a remarkable pattern between leptonic Dirac CP phase (δ CP ) and atmospheric mixing angle (θ 23 ); e.g. δ CP ≃ 220 • −240 • , 120 • −140 • for θ 23 = 42.3 • for normal mass ordering, and δ CP ≃ 283 • , 250 • , 100 • , 70 • for θ 23 = 49.5 • for inverted one. We stress that future measurements on θ 23 , 0νββ decay rate, sum of active neutrino masses, track-to-shower ratio of a cosmic neutrino, astrophysical constraints on axions, QCD axion mass, and its axion-photon coupling are of importance to test the model in the near future. * Electronic address: may be hidden from our sight at all wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum because of absorption by matter and radiation between us and the source. So, data from a variety of observational windows, especially, through direct observations with neutrinos and axions, may be crucial. Thus, the axions and neutrinos in astrophysics and cosmology could provide a natural laboratory for a new extension of SM particle physics 3 .Axions in stars available at low energies are well suited for very sensitive tests. If the axion exists, it solves the strong CP problem of QCD through the Peccei-Quinn (PQ) mechanism [5,6], fits easily into a string theoretic framework, and appears cosmologically as a form of cold dark matter. The axion lies at the intersection of elementary particle physics, astrophysics, cosmology and string theory, potentially playing a crucial role in each. There are being 1 In Ref. [2] a concrete model is designed to bridge between string theory as a fundamental theory and low energy flavor physics. 2 Ref. [1] introduces a superpotential for unifying flavor and strong CP problems, the so-called flavored PQ symmetry m...