We calculate neutral pion mass in presence of an external arbitrary magnetic field in the framework of linear sigma model coupled to quark (LSMq) at zero temperature. We find non-monotonic behavior of pion mass as a function of magnetic field. We are also able to reproduce existing results for the weak field approximation.
I. INTRODUCTIONIn heavy-ion collisions (HIC) experiments, a very strong anisotropic magnetic field (∼ 10 19 Gauss) is generated in peripheral collisions due to the relative motion of the colliding ions [1-5] and the direction of the generated magnetic field is perpendicular to the reaction plane. Apart from the HIC, finite magnetic field is also involved in the interior of dense astrophysical objects like compact stars, magnetars [6] and also in the early universe. The effects of such magnetic fields on fundamental particles cannot be neglected and the detailed understanding of the effects on the elementary particles is essential at fundamental levels.One of such effects is the behavior of meson masses as a function of the strength of the magnetic field. The study of magnetic field dependent meson masses is a subject of active research. In Ref.[7], the authors have studied light mesons, namely charged, neutral pions (π ± , π 0 ), rho mesons (ρ ± , ρ 0 ), masses in the presence external electromagnetic field in the framework of lattice quantum chromodynamics (LQCD) and have shown that the magnetic field dependent neutral pion mass decreases with the magnetic field strength.Apart from LQCD calculations, various effective QCD models have been used to study the properties of meson masses in presence of magnetic field. This includes chiralperturbation theory [8,9], pseudoscalar(PS) and pseudovector(PV) pion-nucleon interaction model [10,11], Nambu-Jona Laisino(NJL) model and its extension [12][13][14][15][16], Polyakov loop extension of NJL (PNJL) model [17,18], PQM model [19,20], quark-meson model [21][22][23][24][25].The linear sigma model (LSM) is one of oldest, simplest model in pre-QCD era originally proposed by Gell-Mann and Lévy [26] to describe pion-nucleon interaction. Many global symmetries of QCD is seen to be exhibited * aritra.das@saha.ac.in † nhaque@niser.ac.in