We discuss the soft contribution to the elastic pion form factor with the mass evolution from current to constituent quark being taken into account in a light-front quark model(LFQM).The pion electromagnetic (EM) form factor is of great interest for the study of Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD). At low momentum transfers (Q 2 ) nonperturbative QCD (NPQCD) dominates, while at large Q 2 perturbative QCD (PQCD) can be used to calculate the asymptotic form factor; and the transition from NPQCD to PQCD has long been of interest. The light-front (LF) quantization method [1] may be most useful in connecting the formulations of NPQCD and PQCD since the LF wavefunctions provide the essential link between hadronic phenomena at short distances(perturbative) and at long distances(nonperturbative). Although the relevant minimum momentum scale for the PQCD exclusive processes is still under a debate [2], the LF method has been successfully applied to the constituent quark model and described the hadron properties at low momentum transfer region quite well [3,4]. In many previous quark models [3,4], a constant constituent quark mass was used in the analysis of the hadron properties especially at Q 2 < 1 GeV 2 . As shown in the literatures [3,4], such constituent quark model has been quite successful in describing static properties of a hadron such as the form factor, charge radius, and decay constant etc.. On the other hand, the ap- * homeoyng@andrew.cmu.edu † kissling@andrew.cmu.edu ‡ crji@unity.ncsu.edu proach based on the quantum field theory such as the Dyson Schwinger Equations(DSEs) [5] uses the running mass instead of constant constituent mass and it also gives properties of the pion that are in agreement with the experimental data. Thus, in this talk, we present the quark mass evolution effect on the pion in a light-front quark model(LFQM) [6]. In the present work we restrict ourselves to the soft NPQCD part with a LFQM, but an essential ingredient is the use of a running quark mass, which is the main subject of this talk.The form factor of the pion is related to the matrix element of the current by the following equation:(1) In usual LF frame, the form factor of a hadron can be obtained by the sum of valence and nonvalence diagrams. However, if we choose the DrellYan-West(DYW)(or q + = 0) frame with "+"-component of the current, only the valence diagram is needed. Then, the matrix element of the current given by Eq. (1) can be expressed as a convolution integral in terms of LF wave function, Ψ(x, k ⊥ ) as follows: