# authors contributed equally * corresponding authors email: sponer@ncbr.muni.cz and pavel.banas@upol.cz KEYWORDS RNA, force field, MD simulation, enhanced sampling, folding, tetraloop.Recent studies generated large conformational ensembles of TNs 14-15, 17, 28-29, 31, 33-34 and TLs 14-15, 17, 28-29, 31, 35, 53-56 in order to assess the performance of RNA ffs. They showed that the available RNA ffs have persisting deficiencies causing, e.g., (i) shifts of the backbone dihedral angles to non-native values, (ii) problems with the c-dihedral angle distribution, and (iii) over-populated SPh and BPh hydrogen bond interactions. 15,25,55 Some of those studies also suggested potential directions for ff improvement, which included modifications of backbone dihedral terms, van der Waals (vdW) radii and charges, RNA interaction with solvent/ions (adjustments of Lennard-Jones parameters typically accompanied by modifications of the Lennard-Jones combining rules via nonbonded fix, NBfix, to balance the RNA-solvent interaction) and enforced distributions from solution experiments. 14, 17, 29-31, 53, 57-60 Computer folding of UNCG TLs appears to be much more challenging than folding of GNRA TLs and description of TNs, 15,35,53,55,61 as for the latter two systems some partial successes have been reported. Note that there have been repeated past claims in the literature about successful folding of RNA TLs in simulations. However, the claims were not confirmed by independent research groups, as extensively reviewed in Ref. 4 . The performance and possible shortcomings of another recently released ff 60 are discussed as part of this work.Previously, we have shown that at least two different imbalances likely contribute to the (in)correct folded/unfolded free-energy balance of TNs and TLs. The first problem was excessive stabilization of the unfolded ssRNA structure by intramolecular BPh and SPh interactions. 62 The excessive binding of 2'-hydroxyl groups (2'-OH) towards phosphate nonbridging oxygens (nbO) was reported earlier 27, 58 and could be partially reduced by using alternative phosphate oxygen parameters developed by Case et al. 63 in combination with the OPC 64 explicit solvent water model. 14 However, the OPC water model was shown to destabilize