It's a challenge to effectively assess Quality of Experience (QoE) for TCP video streaming with network performance parameters, to resolve this problem, an objective hierarchical Evaluation for Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) video streaming is proposed under video playback scenarios. QoE assessment for TCP video streaming is resolved into two sub-steps. In the first place, in consideration of video playback performance parameters affecting QoE, the authors demonstrate three novel application-layer metrics. Further, impact of network status on video playback performance is investigated and the authors propose high level network-layer parameters. Then the correlation between the network-layer parameters and application-layer metrics is characterized through analysis and inference. In the secondly place, subjective tests are conducted to evaluate QoE from application-layer metrics. Ultimately, the authors validate analysis and model by simulations and experiments in real networks. The experimental study shows that the proposed method performs well in assessing QoE of TCP video streaming.