The study aims to design and evaluate the Business Intelligence (BI) system for lecturer qualification analysis. The Quality Objective Matrix (QOX) was the tool to evaluate the proposed ETL's qualities. This research focused on four key performance indicators of QOX: accuracy, completeness, scalability, and efficiency. In implementation, the developed BI system was evaluated by satisfaction questionnaire which was designed based on the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). The results showed the proposed ETLs were good qualities in terms of accuracy, completeness, scalability, and efficiency. For satisfaction evaluation, the results also showed the very good level in overall. It was indicated that the users were satisfied to use the proposed BI dashboard for lecturers' qualifications analysis which was developed based on the Standard Criteria for Graduate Studies Programs (SCGSP). They perceived that the Lecturer Qualification Analysis System (LQAS) was easy to use and can help them to reduce time in the data preparing process. Additionally, the results highlighted that the information quality of BI dashboard also was sufficient and accurate for lecturer qualification analysis.