Innovation is indispensable to the growth of prosperity. A breakthrough in the field of innovation requires changing the attitude towards innovation activity among entrepreneurs and society as a whole. To carry out systematic, purposeful work in the direction of constant improvement of the regulatory framework in order to comprehensively stimulate the development of effective priority, public and social directions of the small economy. Increasing support for small businesses should be an important part of state economic policy, which can be implemented through state regulation of small business development.The mentioned problems of a debatable nature are on the agenda in the world and require the participation of scientists and practitioners in finding the right solutions to global challenges.The main idea of this journal is to provide a place for discussions and information sharing, creating a common concept, principles, methodologies, methods, models, technologies and systems for making management decisions in conditions of uncertainty, risk, danger, instability and crisis for sustainable and viable economic systems, ecological and innovative economy projects.In 2022, we continued to promote and index the journal "Access to Science, Business, Innovation in Digital Economy" and it was included in the established and prestigious academic databases ERIHPLUS and WoS, and the undeniable quality and recognition was accompanied by indexing in WoS of all articles since the journal's creation in 2020.