Agriculture lies at the heart of Indian civilization. The goal of sustainable agriculture is to integrate all factors into a production system that is appropriate for the environment, people, and local economic conditions. Another issue of great concern was the sustainability of soil productivity as land began to be intensively tilled to produce higher yields under multiple and intensive cropping systems. Water logging and secondary salinization have been the banes associated with excess and irrational irrigation. Groundwater table declined sharply as more and deeper bore wells were drilled. Recharging of groundwater has also been reduced due to severe deforestation. Indiscriminate use of chemical pesticides to control various insect pests and diseases over the years has destroyed many naturally occurring effective biological control agents. Sustainable organic farming practices needs proper eco-friendly pest and disease management practices in addition to balanced nutritional supplement to improve the quality and quantity of the agricultural outputs. Homemade bio-pesticides are prepared by household members using local resources without having any