Exercise testing can highlight repolarisation abnormalities in adults with coronary artery disease. Late after Kawasaki disease (KD), increased QT dispersion (QTd) has been reported on resting ECG in children, but there are no reported studies of QTd during exercise. Our objective was to determine the pattern of QTd response to exercise testing in children late after KD. Twenty-five KD patients without coronary complications, 28 with coronary dilation, and 18 with severe complications were compared with 28 controls. KD patients were 11.6 ± 3.0 years old versus 12.8 ± 2.9 for controls [p = not significant (NS)], and these patients were studied 7.5 ± 3.4 years after the onset of the disease. QT was measured from the onset of QRS to the apex (QTa) and the end (QTe) of T wave. Resting QTd was significantly increased in KD subjects (p < 0.05). The proportion of abnormal QTd was evenly distributed across the three KD groups (29-36%; p = NS). QTd response to exercise was significantly altered in KD, irrespective of resting QTd or coronary sequelae. Abnormal resting- and exercise-induced repolarisation are detectible after KD irrespective of the severity of coronary sequelae.