We study polynomial functors of degree 2, called quadratic, with values in the category of abelian groups Ab, and whose source category is an arbitrary category C with null object such that all objects are colimits of copies of a generating object E which is small and regular projective; this includes all pointed algebraic varieties. More specifically, we are interested in such quadratic functors F from C to Ab which preserve filtered colimits and suitable coequalizers; one may take reflexive ones if C is Mal'cev and Barr exact.A functorial equivalence is established between such functors F : C → Ab and certain minimal algebraic data which we call quadratic C-modules: these involve the values on E of the cross-effects of F and certain structure maps generalizing the second Hopf invariant and the Whitehead product.Applying this general result to the case where E is a cogroup these data take a particularly simple form. This application extends results of Baues and Pirashvili obtained for C being the category of groups or of modules over some ring; here quadratic C-modules are equivalent with abelian square groups or quadratic R-