ABSRACT-We have used the integral form of the conservation equations, to find a cubic formula for the drop size in liquid sprays in cross flows. Similar to our work on axial liquid sprays, the energy balance dictates that the initial kinetic energy of the gas and injected liquid be distributed into the final surface tension energy, kinetic energy of the gas and droplets, and viscous dissipation incurred. Kinetic energy of the cross flow is added to the energy balance.Then, only the viscous dissipation term needs to be phenomenologically modelled. The mass and energy balance for the spray flows renders to an expression that relates the drop size to all of the relevant parameters, including the gas-and liquid-phase velocities. The results agree well with experimental data and correlations for the drop size. The solution also provides for drop size-velocity cross-correlation, leading to drop size distributions based on the gas-phase velocity distribution. These aspects can be used in estimating the drop size for practical applications, and also in computational simulations of liquid injection in cross flows. 2 Nomenclature A c = cross-sectional area of the spray A inj = injector exit area d inj = injector diameter D = drop diameter D i = drop diameter for the i-th size bin D 32 = SMD = Sauter mean diameter K, K'= proportionality constants for the viscous dissipation term n = drop number density p(D) = normalized drop size distribution function q= momentum ratio = ( L u inj 2 )/( g u in 2 ) u in = velocity of the incoming gas u inj = mean injection velocity u L = mean drop velocity u out = velocity of the outgoing gas y u = average velocity gradient in the spray V = volume of the spray bounded by A and spray length L = liquid viscosity g = ambient gas density L = liquid density = surface tension 3