Security in wireless sensor networks (WSNs) is challenging, owing to resource, computing, and environmental constraints. Researchers have proposed several security systems for multicasting in WSNs, but none have offered foolproof security. To make high-security multicasting a reality, the proposed I-RLNMCDS-ODMRP protocol uses state-of-the-art techniques such as identity-based cryptography, random linear network coding, the minimum connected dominating set, and the on-demand multicast routing protocol. Also, this article analyzes computation and memory overhead in the proposed protocol in terms of time in seconds and bytes, respectively, and examines its security properties. In the experimental results, the proposed protocol does not take much time to compute encryption and decryption parameters. Further, it requires little memory to store multicast message information. In the future, the proposed protocol will be tested on healthcare applications for intrabody communication through wireless body area networks.