Given a global field F with absolute Galois group G F , we define a category SMod F whose objects are finite G F -modules decorated with local conditions. We define this category so that 'taking the Selmer group' defines a functor Sel from SMod F to Ab. After defining a duality functor ∨ on SMod F , we show that every short exact sequencewhose left and right kernels are the images of Sel M and Sel M ∨ , respectively. This construction generalizes the Cassels-Tate pairing defined on Shafarevich-Tate groups of abelian varieties over global fields. Our main results generalize the fact that the classical pairing is antisymmetric for principally polarized abelian varieties but, by work of Poonen and Stoll, not necessarily alternating.We can express many previously-defined class field theoretic pairings as instances of this construction, giving the study of these pairings access to our general results for SMod F . As one application, we reprove and extend recent results about the class groups of number fields containing many roots of unity.